I'm a silly boy...
I found the message to be pretty decent, even if I am someone who is opposed to this present war... my own father was one of those people who came back from Vietnam and was openly greeted with hatred and violence from a crowd of smelly hippies. Yes we should be grateful for what our forefathers fought and died for, in the case of the war in Iraq though (which I won't pretend I have some kind of ultimate solution for) the people sending this nation's soldiers... most of whom are kids out of high school who only want college money (I KNOW a great many of them, they aren't really any different from you or me) Bush and Cheney, were both draft dodgers themselves, and have never seen the reality of war. Not all liberals are against this war, not all Republicans are in favor of action, not all SOLDIERS / VETERANS are in favor of action either... you do know that right?.
I guess now that Saddam is out of power, and we've forced the country of Iraq to simultaneously adore / hate us, there's not much I can say. I knew we'd win against a country that hadn't advanced its military technology since the U.N placed sanctions on it back in the early 90's, and had willingly destroyed more than 90% of its weapons since then. Doesn't make it right. Yes I'm glad to see the bastard go, I'm sure the Iraqi people are too, but do we really have to be such crazy, bloodthirsty, bastards that we have to go after every spooky villainous character that exists on earth? I mean, many of our supposed allies are quite autocratic themselves. I'd gladly show my support for our troops, and if that's all your movie was asking for then that's peachy keen with me. But I will not agree to this 'Patriotism means no questions' / Neo-McCarthyism mentality, I will not shed a tear when I see an American flag sticker on the back of some fatass soccer mom's SUV, whose 'enlightened' political beliefs come from her 'diverse' news sources consisting of CNN, MSNBC, and FOX NEWS, sitting on your ass and watching war on TV all day doesn't make you smart. Hey that’s a good idea, I think we should wage a ‘War on Stupid Fat-Ass Suburban House Wives’. I will not pretend that calling French-Fries "FREEDOM FRIES" isn't the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I will continue to look at all Americans, and all people, whether they are in favor of the war or not, as my brothers. The more we fight amongst ourselves, the easier it will be for us to be controlled. If you write back, please don’t boil me down to the label of a ‘Liberal’, I’ll admit I do dislike Capitalism, but I can see the problems in Liberal philosophy just as well as you can, and sometimes I do find myself hating them just as much as I hate Conservatives. Be that a little weird… I guess I’m just a silly boy after all. ^_^